Thursday, December 31, 2015

NEW WilkinsGRIP BMG mini RL

I've made the original WilkinsGRIP BMG mini grips continuously since their introduction in 2008. Recently I felt it was time to incorporate all the suggestions and ideas 7 years of experience have provided.

So for 2016, I give you the WilkinsGRIP BMG mini RL.

The most important change is the new G10 Spacer. In combination with subtle changes to the grip profile and inner pocket, it allows the Lanyard Hole to move toward the rear of the knife, behind the clip. The grips are now slightly shorter and the added palm swell and edge jimping provide better control.

The WilkinsGRIP BMG mini RL requires no modification to the original knife and the stock pocket clip may be mounted on either side with the factory screws for full ambidextrous carry.

I will continue to sell the original BMG mini grips for the time being as I begin producing the new RLs in quantity. Check stock for details.

Price the BMG mini RL grips as show here in Flame Orange G10:
€90 plus shipping (€107.10 for orders shipping inside the European Union)
Shipping inside Germany: €7, €12.50 to Most of the rest of the World

Shoot me an email if you'd like a set.

Next Up: Titanium!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas Sale: BMG X2 in Blood Red and Hunter Green €90 each

I know I have been bad about posting here in the last few months. Honestly, I have been putting more info up on Facebook as it is just quicker. If you have a FB account, be sure and follow my Business page for updates and info on my Knives and Grips.

Christmas sale is over, many thanks to all who responded!!

Thanks to everyone for your support over so many years and Happy Holidays!!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

5 new WilkinsGRIP BMG minis in stock!

I finally finished a new run of four types of WilkinsGRIP BMG mini grips!

These are:

• Swimming Pool Green translucent G11

• Frozen Margarita pale green translucent G11

• Whisky Sour pale yellow translucent G11

• Glass Coyote translucent G11 (This color is a perfect match for Coyote tactical web gear)

• Round Midnight Blue & Black layered G10 (Had some folks asking about these coming back and I found enough material to make a very few new sets.)

These are all up on the grips in stock page of my website and are ready to ship. Price remains unchanged from past runs at €95 each for orders shipping outside the EU. EU buyers must add 19% German VAT.

Other WilkinsGRIP News

I will not be making anymore WilkinsGRIP products in Alu. When current stocks are sold, that will be that.

I will also be reducing the number of colors offered in G10 / G11. The costs involved in trying out and maintaining so many colors has just become not worth it. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Finally got all the in stock Mytuko Cobalt Knives up on my Site

I don't know why it took so long but better late than never! The complete inventory of current Mytuko Cobalts are now up on the in stock knives page of my main website. Read 'em and purchase at will. I do only have one or maybe two of each grip variation.

For example Cocobolo!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

New Facebook Page just for my Knives and Grips

I finally have a Facebook Page to promote my knives and WilkinsGRIP products. Please have a look and click “Like” to keep up with what I’m working on. I plan on making regular postings and will be setting up an Instagram account to post pics from the workshop in the near future.

Thank you for your interest in my work!

NEW please follow me on Facebook:

WilkinsGRIP BMG X2 Ti Grips are Back in Stock! New Series 2015 Version.

I actually managed togged these ready earlier than expected! How often does that happen in the Knife Making World?

These are the new Series 2015 WilkinsGRIP BMG X2 Ti grips with my "W" Logo engraved on both grip halves and featuring the same gripper serrations along the top and bottom edges I used on the last Steampunk grips.

These are available in Matt Stonewashed Finish as shown in the pics below or your choice of Natural Titanium or Fire Anodised. The price is the same regardless of the finish.

Each grip set comes with both stainless and black screws as well as your choice of one Alu spacer with either Hardcoat Black or Blood Red anodising.

The price for the new Series grips remains unchanged at:

€150 for orders shipping outside the European Union (€178.50 including 19% German VAT for EU buyers)

Shipping costs are extra, €7 for DHL inside Germany and €12.50 for German Post insured airmail to Most of the Rest of the World.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Weekend Update: May 9th

Just wanted to let folks know that I started work on a new batch of WilkinsGRIP X2 Titanium grips last week. I finished the main inside machining ops and with a bit of luck, will finish the hand ops and then the top ops next week. The price on these will remain unchanged at €150 for orders shipping outside the Europan Union, add 19% VAT (sales tax) for EU buyers and of course, shipping. Will post these to my site when they are ready to roll.

Thanks for your patience!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Back on my Feet!

Finally shook off that damn flu, evidently it has made the rounds here this winter. I will be taking the flu-shot this Fall. 103F fever is no fun.

I badly need to update some things on my main website and will try and do that this weekend. I am raising the price on the Mytuko Cobalt to more accurately reflect the production costs. I hate to raise prices but there was no more getting around it.

I am working on getting the newest production version of the Mytuko Mini finished now too. These are redesigned along the lines of the Mytuko Cobalt and the new knife will be called the Mytuko Mini Cobalt. Seems pretty self-explanatory! The new knives will be ground from the same cobalt alloyed stainless as the Mytuko Cobalt. This steel is a big step upwards as far as edge holding goes from the 1.4116 stainless used the original Mytuko Mini. If anybody is thinking about getting a Mytuko Mini, now is the time as they are just about all sold out and I will soon withdraw the last ones from sale to insure that I retain a few samples for my archive.

Getting good quality leather sheaths made in quantity is a big hassle. If anybody knows a good sattler with experience making sheaths, drop me a line! I have some good guys for making one and twos by hand, but I need a company who can machine sew the parts in quantity.

My new WilkinsGRIP N_Dura4 grips for Spyderco's Endura 4 folder are ready to ship. I have them in Black G10 or Swimming Pool Green G11 ready to roll. Your choice of a matching black or Swimming Pool Green Steel Crossbolt Spacer as well as new screws are included. These grips are really nice too, I have been testing a set for several weeks and they totally transform the knife. You gonna like 'em! Only drawback is the Endura can be frustrating to take apart and put back together. I will be doing a tutorial as soon as I can.

Price is €120 each for orders shipping outside the EU or €142.80 for orders shipping inside the EU.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Been Sick as a Dog ...

This year is something. As many already know, I lost my Dad in February and even though he was 82, it was still unexpected. I'm still not near over it but have been back in Berlin cranking on the newest grips and knives and trying to get my business back on track since mid-March.

On the 4th of April, last Saturday, I started feeling really sick and my throat hurt so bad on Sunday that I went to the Emergency Room. They treated me and gave me an antibiotic script and told me to see my ENT Doc Tuesday. I did and he diagnosed it as more viral than bacteria... anyway, my fever hit 103 F Tuesday evening (39.5 C). My wife and I got it down – mostly she did, I was bonkers – and went to the hospital where they said, yeah that can happen with those viral infections.

Anyway, the 9th was my birthday and the first day without fever last week. I saw the ENT Dr. again Thursday and he took cultures for the lab and said maybe what I have is influenza. Blood test in the hospital had been OK but this is way tougher than the usual sinus infection / scratchy throat thing that tends to devil me.

To make a long story short: I have been really, really sick and in bed since last weekend. I think I am on the mend now but it will be middle of the coming week before I can even think about driving to the workshop. I know, I don't need this shit. I don't. Certainly not right after my Dad's death.

I have tried to keep up on email but if I missed you, try me again this coming week.

I have the first small run of the new WilkinsGRIPs for the Spyderco Endure ready, if I can get well enough to get them cleaned and packaged and pics up.

I have had some incredibly comforting mail from customers/friends over the last weeks, many very unexpected but all deeply appreciated. I really appreciate everyone's support and understanding in the last difficult months. I hope to get this flu-whatever-it-is behind me and move forward asap.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Product Updates: 25th March

I have had a lot of requests for WilkinsGRIPs for Spyderco's Endure 4 and I have been working off and on on my design for a while. Well, the Good News is that I am just about finished with the initial prototypes and I think these are going to be great.

As usual, I have not copied the original grip form in a new material, but rather have redesigned the grip to harmonise and function with the existing blade and cutting geometry, improving on the original where it seemed like a good idea, but never compromising the integrity of the original knife.

So here is a first look at the new WilkinsGRIP N_Dura4

Please bear in mind these are dusty workshop, iPhone pics. I am working on the spacers now and Hope to have those ready early next week. Initial production will be in Black G10 with titanium to follow soon.

Other New Product News

I will be bringing out the newest version of the Ryback Bushcrafter this Summer. This time the blades will be ground from the same Cobalt alloyed stainless I am using for the Mytuko Cobalt. 

I expect to also introduce a new Mytuko Mini Cobalt soon too. These will be flat ground from the new form I have already introduced as hollow-ground prototypes on this blog.

USA Customers Take Note

The US Dollar is at historic highs against the Euro right now. This means customers coming from the USA will find my prices are almost 25% cheaper now than they were 6 months ago. This is because you will need fewer $ to buy the same amount of Euros. What I'm trying to say is ... this is a GREAT time to buy my stuff if you live in the USA! ;-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Re-Starting Operations

The last three weeks have been very difficult. As those of you know who have contacted me to place orders found out, a death in my immediate family caused me to suspend all operations and close my shop.

As of today I am back in Berlin and starting to pick up where I left off and once again accept orders and ship goods. It will take a bit for me to get back in the swing of things and I still have a lot to join helping my family back in the USA.

So those of you who tried to order things over the last three week, please drop me a line again and I will also try and get in touch with you directly as well. Please be patient if it takes a day or two to answer. I am a total one-man operation from design and production to packing and shipping. But as folks know, when I take your money, I ship your goods pronto. That is how I have always worked and how I will continue to operate.

I want to thank everyone who has written with condolences and support and thank everyone for your patience.