Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Titanium has Landed!

I finally located a good batch of 5mm Titanium sheet stock for the new run of Titanium WilkinsGRIP BMG X2 grips I have had planned for a while. I started machining these today and should have them for sale during the first week of December. Just in time for Christmas!

These will be priced at €150 per set for sales shipping outside the European Union. EU buyers will have to add 19% German VAT (€178.50). Shipping extra. This is the same price as the WilkinsGRIP BMG mini Titanium Series grips.

Basic Military Fixed Blade Update
Basic Military Fixed Blades ground from German Becut Stainless are now in stock and shipping. These are priced the same as the Sandvik steel Basic Militaries and all come with a Spec-ops sheath! See the Knives in Stock page of my website for details.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Make SURE your email address works when writing me!

One problem that comes up more often than you might think goes like this:
  • I get an email from someone wanting to buy something or with a product question.
  • I replay to their email.
  • My reply bounces as undeliverable.
  • I try again. Ditto. Bounces again.
  • I start getting email from the person who wrote asking why I don't answer their email... from the same email account that bounces.
  • I try again. Bounces again.
  • This goes on for while, wasting a lot of time and costing me a customer.
The thing is, if your email won't work, I cannot answer your email!

I also cannot write to say, Hey, your damn emali is broken, try another account.

This seems to happen a lot from accounts coming from

So if John from California is reading this right now... get a gmail account!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

WilkinsGRIP BMGmini Titanium Back in Stock!

I finished up a new run of the WilkinsGRIP BMGmini Titanium grips yesterday. They are ready to order right now, I will get my website updated asap but readers of my blog get the News first. ;-)

I have your choice of Grey Ghost matt grey, Natural Titanium lightly stonewashed or Fire anodized, each with your choice of spacer: Black Hardcoat, Blood Red or Orange. Each set comes with black and natural stainless screws. Price per set remains unchainged at €150 for sales shipping outside the European Union. EU buyers must add 19% German VAT. Shipping is €10 to most destinations.

Workshop Update
Things are at last looking very well indeed and I believe I will have a new place lined up by end of the year. Can't say too much now, finges crossed!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Bit Late for Halloween

Wanted to get these up before Halloween, but what the Heck, Orange and Black are fine anytime!
The new Orange Anodized Alu Spacers for all WilkinsGRIP BMG mini Grips – shown here on Hardcoat Black Alu grips – these look good on any of the darker colors or combined with Toxic Lime Green, they really pop.

Titanium BMG X2 Grips Update
I hope I have finally located some 5mm titanium stock and start working on these later this month.

Basic Military Fixed Blade: BECUT Stainless Edition
I am finishing the grips for an all new Basic Military Fixed Blade ground from BECUT Stainless. Becut is the same tough stainless used in my large Ryback Series 2 kitchen knives. A patented alloy developed specially for industrial food processing machinery, BECUT is produced in Germany and combines toughness, edge-holding and corrosion resistance. These will be priced the same as the current Sandvik bladed knives.

Workshop Space Update
I have spent a great deal of the last several months looking for a new location for my shop. I have to vacate my present location in early Spring 2014. I may finally have something in the works. I don't to say too much for fear of jinxing it. As soon as I have anything for certain, I will post!